décembre 2010 (6)

jeudi 23 décembre 2010

Filtrage et pédophilie

Affiche de RSF.org contre le filtrage d'Internet et pour la liberté de la presse

La loi LOPPSI 2 et son infâme article 4 sont donc passés. Ils décrètent le filtrage d'Internet. Juste à ce moment là, je découvre une affiche de Reporters Sans Frontières (association qui se bat pour la liberté de la presse) dans la rue. Elle titre très justement "Aujourd'hui encore, dans plus de 20 pays, Internet est surveillé, contrôlé, censuré". Il est vraiment déprimant de voir la France, prétendument "pays des droits de l'homme", officiellement filtrer et censurer Internet.

En effet, je pense que la pédophilie - ignominie s'il en est - n'est qu'un prétexte pour une reprise en main d'Internet par des politiques qui se sentent dépassés par les événements. A ce sujet, je vous encourage à lire Loppsi 2 article 4, un très bon papier de Zythom (expert judiciaire). Trouvé via Embruns.net.

A lire aussi :

mardi 14 décembre 2010

How is Firefox different from other browsers

As always on this blog, this article does not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

In the light of the recent Google announcements about Chrome, Chrome OS and the Web App Store, I am getting questions from people around me and from reporters. Many people seem to forget how Google and Mozilla differ. While both of us- like Apple and Microsoft - are browser vendors who care a lot about speed and security, Mozilla is different by nature. Mozilla is a non-profit, mission-driven organization who cares about the health of the Open Web. I recognize that this may be hard to understand, as it's not very concrete. So let's see in very concrete ways how the Mozilla approach differs from the other browser vendors, who are all commercial ventures[1]

An App Store for the Open Web, not for a specific browser

Mozilla has recently announced a Prototype of an Open Web App Ecosystem. Let's see how this differs from Google's announcement on a similar topic.

In Mozilla's approach, Open Web Apps:

  • work in all modern Web browsers
  • Support portable purchases: An app purchased for one browser works in other browsers, and across multiple desktop and mobile platforms without repurchase
  • Can be distributed by developers directly to users without any gatekeeper, and distributed through multiple stores, allowing stores to compete on customer service, price, policies, app discoverability, ratings, reviews and other attributes.

Fore more details, go read Pascal Finette's recent post: Building the Open Web App Ecosystem.

On the other hand, Google's App Store requires Chrome and centralized, two things that differ from the principles of the Open Web (choice of browsers and services to use)[2].

Getting a personalized experience without losing your privacy or control over your data

The promise of the cloud is that our data is accessible from anywhere. Like many other people, I love this idea! Now it does not necessarily mean that everything has to be stored centrally. As an individual, I want my data to stay private and not data-mined, while enjoying the benefits of the cloud.

Firefox Sync is one of these services. Built into Firefox 4 for both mobile and desktop and available as an extension for Firefox 3.6, it enables people to store their browsing history on a server so that they can access history, passwords, bookmarks and even open tabs across all his/her devices.

Mozilla understand that people expect things to work right out of the box, so we offer a server to host people's data in order to make their life easier.

  • User data, when hosted by Mozilla, is encrypted on the client side, so it cannot be data-mined by Mozilla (what Mozilla hosts is encrypted data that cannot be analyzed).
  • Users - should they want to - can run their own server: the protocol is public and extensible, the code is free and open (for both client and server).

Some other browser vendors offer similar services, but you cannot run them on your own server and data is not encrypted.


All Browsers are making significant progress in terms of performance and some of them also offer more when it in terms of security and standards support. But when it comes to choosing which browser you are going to use, one should consider the reasons of the organization who's producing it, and how it relates to keeping the Web Open and user data private.


[1] nothing wrong with this, of course. It's just that our goals and approach differ significantly because of that.

[2] For the record, Apple is significantly worse than Google in this regard, going as far as preventing users to use competing App Stores...

mardi 7 décembre 2010

Community meetups with Gary Kovacs

Our new CEO, Gary Kovacs, was on a trip in Europe last week to meet with employees (in Toronto, London, Paris and Munich) and communities (in Paris, Munich and Ljubljana). I traveled with him, Chris Beard (VP of engagement) and Mary Colvig (Head of contributor engagement). I took quite a few pictures that I posted on Flickr.

Group photo during dinner in Ljubljana

The initial plan was to have a community dinner in Paris with Gary, but the weather decided otherwise (pro tip: Eurostar seems to be less reliable than airplanes when snowing), so we had to party without Gary and Chris. As you can see with the Paris pictures, we had tons of fun!

The next day, we had breakfast with Gary at the Paris office, then we headed to Munich (Germany) to meet with members of the Open Source community during one of the famous Open Source Treffen organized by Tomcat.

The next day took us to Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia, where William and amazing volunteers (including Milos Dinic, Brian King and Matjaž Horvat organized the Mozilla Balkans Community Meetup, where 9 communities from the Balkans were represented.

Our visit was a surprise to the community members, and the dinner was a lot of fun!


Here are the links to the pictures I took on this trip:

jeudi 2 décembre 2010

Mozilla and Fosdem 2011

The holiday season is upon us, which means that the Mozilla team is hard at work preparing our participation to FOSDEM! For those who live on a different planet (or just a continent other than Europe), FOSDEM is the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting. The event is as nice as it's a mouthful, and Mozilla has been participating to it since almost forever. I think my first FOSDEM was in 2002, but other European Mozillians were there the year before, while it was called OSDEM. Mozilla started having a developer room officially in 2003.

FOSDEM sign, hooked with duct tape!

FOSDEM entrance

So Mozilla will be at FOSDEM once again, for its 2011 edition, but in a slightly different format. Both FOSDEM and Mozilla have grown very significantly over the years, and we have increasingly been facing the following issues:

  1. It's becoming harder to accommodate the needs of the Mozillians with the resources of the FOSDEM team. We've been struggling with the size of the room, despite the huge efforts by the FOSDEM organizers to help.
  2. To be more productive, we need several rooms, but we don't want to steal them from other FLOSS projects
  3. Participating Mozillians have been facing a dilemma: either participating to the Mozilla dev room or attending the sessions led by other projects.
  4. Since the schedule is pretty packed, it's hard to make it appealing to contributors from other projects.

In order to solve these issues, we have decided to change the way Mozilla participates to FOSDEM. We'll still have a dev room, but the goal is to use it as an opportunity to engage with participants to the other FLOSS projects, while using the future Mozilla Camps Europe (like Barcelona and Prague?) and other local community events for the Mozilla communities to gather.

To this end, we are going to invest more in upcoming Mozilla contributor events and less in FOSDEM. We will only sponsor Mozillians giving talks at FOSDEM this year, as opposed to sponsoring all Mozillians like in previous years. This will enable us to focus our energy and financial resources on improving future Mozilla contributor events and ensuring that more of our contributors can participate in more events.

Those who want to give a talk in the Dev Room this year should get in touch with Brian King like every year before Friday, 15th January 2011 at: brian at mozdev dot org.

Should you have questions, please connect with William (william at mozilla dot com) - who has just posted on his blog too - or myself!

A propos de photo numérique

Quelques articles sur la photo qui ont retenu mon attention, avec une spéciale dédicace à mon collègue William, qui vient de s'acheter un appareil reflex... J'ai trouvé ces liens via PetaPixel.com.

Vigne vierge en automne

  • 4 Reasons Everyone Should Have a Fifty ;
    • Ca oblige à travailler la composition
    • On zoome avec les bras et les jambes
    • On réfléchit un petit peu plus aux photos et à la façon dont on les produit ;
    • Alors qu'on réflechit à la composition et au cadrage, on passe aussi plus de temps à penser à l'éclairage et au sujet ;
  • HDR Photography Explained in a Diagram, voilà un joli diagramme pour comprendre comment fonctionne le HDR (même si ça reste pour moi un outil à utiliser avec parcimonie !) ;
  • Working Medium Format Camera Created with Lego Blocks ;
  • La trouvaille du moment : FlickRiver Lenses, un outil pour trouver des photos prises par un objectif spécifique. Très utile pour voir ce que donne un objectif que vous souhaitez vous faire offrir pour Noël ! Par exemple :
    • Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM, une tuerie, surtout quand il est associé à un filtre dégradé gris neutre (format P chez Cokin) ;
    • Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM, très comparable au précédent, mais pour les appareils au format APS-C, c'est à dire à peu près tous les reflex numériques Canon. J'en ai un à vendre pas trop cher, faites moi une offre !
    • Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II - le meilleur rapport qualité/prix dans le genre : un bon flou d'arrière plan pour une centaine d'Euros, un objectif à portrait remarquable pour les reflex numériques grand public ;
    • Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM, pour les fans de macro-photo ;
    • Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM - probablement mon objectif préféré, pour le bokeh.
    • Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM. Très bien aussi, quoique j'envisage de le remplacer par une focale fixe. Je l'utilise beaucoup pour mes photos de moto. voir ci-dessous ;

Road King Classic, vivid black

Road King Classic, vivid black

mercredi 1 décembre 2010

En vrac